A fun picture for the week...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 23, 2010 Update
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 9, 2010 Update
Well, this was a pretty uneventful week. My companion got sick on Monday, and he was asleep the whole day. Then on Tuesday, he was about 40% so we did very little. One of the few things that we were able to do was visit a less active family from Australia. The father was the youngest Bishop ever called in Aussie history. They have lived here for about 3 years and they have never been to church. But they came this Sunday after we visited them. The son Aaron has hair like Mike D., but bigger, and he has been coming to church for about one month. We decided to go see if the rest of his family was interested in coming back. Well, on Sunday his family of 4 came, all in suits, except the mom.
While we were there the father kept talking about how everything you find in Australia is better than anything you find anywhere in the world. He was joking, but it was fun. He knew we didn’t have much time, but he really wanted us eat some Beef Pie. It was so good, especially with ketchup. While we were there we talked with the family about how they liked church, and he said, “I never liked testimony meetings. People here also don’t know what it means to bear testimony.” I thought it was really funny. But he loved the rest of it and we will be going back over there on Tuesday and he is coming to church.
While I was there I learned something interesting about myself. Actually, I have had this suspicion for a while now. But, whoever I am around, Indian, Australian or Mexican, I always mimic the accent. lol I think it just comes from being a missionary in India, and you feel that no one will understand you unless you sound like them. So I had lots of fun talking like their family, with their family. But I only did it on a few words, and I don’t think that they really noticed.
This Saturday we had a baptism! Sisters Mary and Clara were baptized! They have been investigating for a few months. All I really did was teach tithing, do the paperwork and review the interview questions with them. I think my fun review really helped them to not be nervous. They are really awesome and are excited about their new membership in the Church. They have great fellowship, and hop a ride with Mary’s boss each week, so things are looking good.
I will write more when more interesting things happen. Sorry. I am grateful for the gospel, I know that it is the answer to any questions that we have. Heavenly Father loves all of his children, and He has a plan for all of us. We just have to accept it and not want our ways to be higher than his. I love you all. Hugs and kisses from India!
Friday, June 4, 2010
June 2, 2010 Update
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
March 24, 2010 Update
Thursday, January 21, 2010
December 30, 2009 Update
This was an interesting week. I learned many things about myself, and I realized how much I have learned. It started by an interesting experience I had with an auntie. In prayers here, people like to mumble their own prayers and shout, especially the Pentecostal women. This one lady said her kids couldn’t come to church. So we talked for a while and they said they would come. My companion said the closing prayer, and immediately she began to mutter words and say things “in tongues.” I remembered a quote that went something like, “If you are on the Lord’s service, you are entitle to His Divine assistance.” So when I thought this, I wanted the auntie to shut up. I said in my mind, “God, silence this auntie.” And before I could even say Amen, she was quiet. It's nothing too special, or exciting, but I thought it was cool. It was something that I will be able to remember, and it will help me to rely on the Lord more.
I realized that you can’t know what our mission is really like. I have this culture of India book, and it describes the culture. I read it in the morning, and when we were going to our first appointment we turned a corner and realized that we were sharing our small lane with 7 HUGE buffaloes. One of them even charged us. That’s when I realized that a book cannot tell you how to avoid that, or what to do in the scenario.
I realized how much I have left behind. A lady was telling us that she was afraid to leave her church for a few reasons: she doesn’t know English, she was raised in that church, and her friends are there. I bore testimony and told her about how I left my home country, my language, my friends AND my family. She realized that our Church is correct, but she is afraid. I don’t know what else we can do. I love her family to death, but she fears the world more than the Savior.
We had a bit more luck with a new Roman Catholic family we are working with. They have met with us 3 times and we decided they needed to be set…mostly because we haven’t had anyone set for about 3 weeks. They accepted the date easily. Yesterday, before we came to meet them, the mother called and told us not to baptize them, but to come and do prayer. We went with a sister from the branch who was R.C. She was a huge asset; she helped so much. The father didn’t know his wife called, he said, “I still want to be baptized. Why are you talking about authority? I understand and I still want to be baptized on the 24th.” The wife said, “Absolutely no way.”, but her 2 sons are still excited. She is also afraid of what others will think about her if she leaves her church. Even though she was crying when she said that. We are pretty sure she knows the Church is true. I love you guys. Thank you so much for the letters and the support. I will see you all next Christmas.
Elder Sorensen
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Logan's Testimony
Keep your fingers crossed. Kaycee has been our dutiful blog updater until now. When she got a job (YEAH!!!) her blog time diminished greatly. She's still teaching piano and helps me with Algebra for Burke as well. So I'm giving it a go.
For those who don't know, Seminary is a religion class that our teens attend at 6 a.m. everyday they go to school.Each year they study a different text of scripture. This year it's been my blessing, along with my good friend, Staci Dansie, to teach these amazing young people from the Book of Mormon.
Prior to beginning the year, I asked each of the missionaries serving from our ward to write their testimony of the Book of Mormon along with their favorite scripture then send it to me. Our youth have been friends with each of the young men that are currently serving. I thought this would bring more meaning to the study this year.
Logan sent a dvd that had not only his testimony but also testimonies of people he has baptized, his companion and other members of his branch. I hope to be able to post them all over the next few weeks and catch up the blog.
It's interesting that he is so hard on himself. To hear him talk, he was some awful kid. I more than anyone know what a handful he was. But I also saw his potential since the day he was born. Now he's living up to that potential by loving and serving as the Savior wants him to do.
It was great to talk to him on Christmas day. We had the best Christmas we've had in a long time. Probably, because we're all excited he'll be home next year. He does sound just like an Indian now. It's pretty funny. He's still sick. But it's ok. We know he's in the Lord's hands.
He finally (after 9 months) was transferred. Pres. Nichols didn't want to move him from his doctors. Logan received word before Christmas to prepare himself and his doctor because he would be leaving. He hopped on a plane last week and is now serving in Chennai. The first thing he told me this week during email time was, "I LOVE being a missionary". Those are five of the best words a Mom could hear.
Hope you enjoy his video. Check back over the next while. I'll try to update. Leave a comment about his accent and testimony. I'll forward them onto him. He loves to hear the comments.